Guilt Free Banana Muffins

These muffins are perfect for sweet tooths, childrens lunches, pre or post workout or lets face it any time of the day, see below for recipe.

Tips for saving money: If you have none of these ingredients at home, this recipe may seem expensive for 12 muffins. However the old saying goes “you cant put a price on good health.” So what I suggest is; put a little bit of money a side each week to save around $40-50. Then visit a bulk health foods store (if possible) and purchase some staple ingredients. Such as; cacao powder, large coconut oil, cacao nibs, coconut flour to name a few. This will then last in your pantry for much longer and will make each healthy recipe much more affordable and more accessible to make. Keep an eye out for my post about staple ingredients and tips on saving money whilst still enjoying healthy and wholesome food.

Now enjoy your Banana Muffins :)


Banana Muffins

You will need:

- Muffin non stick baking tray or line with coconut oil

- Large mixing bowl

- Wooden spoon or a mixing spoon

- Fork


- 4 x extra ripe bananas

- tbsp. honey or maple syrup (vegan option)

- 1 cup coconut flour

- 1/2 cup cacao nibs

- 1 x tbsp. vanilla extract

- 1 x egg or 1/2 cup soaked chia seeds (vegan option)

- 1/2 cup coconut oil - add water if needed


  1. Pre heat Oven 180 Degrees

  2. Mash bananas until smooth

  3. Mix in all ingredients leaving eggs or chia seeds until last then fold them through the mixture

  4. Add water if still a little dry and extra honey/maple syrup if necessary

  5. place into muffin tray and bake in oven for 20mins or until golden on the top

NOTE: If you haven’t baked with coconut flour before it can make the muffin mix quite dry, I always slightly undercook the muffins just incase, this will keep them soft & moist for longer. :) The banana and coconut oil will also help with this!

Elise Falloon