Savory Quinoa Muffins

Savoury Quinoa Muffins

This recipe is high protein, low carb plus low GI & high in fibre, which will keep you full and fight off cravings by maintaining your blood sugar levels. It makes around 12 - 14, and is perfect for breaky or lunch on the go & even the kids will like them. Keep in mind you can add in whatever ingredients you like however the staples are Quinoa and eggs.


You will need

  • 1 x cup quinoa

  • 6 x eggs

  • chilli (optional)

  • Turmeric powder (optional)

  • Punnet of cherry tomatoes (chopped)

  • Half red onion

  • Bag of spinach

  • Sliced button mushrooms


  1. Preheat oven to 180 Degrees

  2. Cook the quinoa in boiling water and a little bit of salt, let it cook until all water is dissolved (1 cup of Quinoa to 2 x cups of water) If you have time let it cool.

  3. Combine ingredients in a large mixing bowl & season with salt and pepper, ensure eggs are mixed in (you can whisk them in a small bowl before adding them to the rest of the ingredients).

  4. Using non stick muffin trays, poor ingredients in each one

  5. Oven bake for around 20-30mins or until golden on the top

  6. Enjoy :)

Elise Falloon